英语诗歌是英语语言的精华。它以最凝练的文字传输时间和空间、物质和精神、理智和情感。诗歌本身包含的丰富社会生活内容和艺术内涵,诗歌语言的独特的美和友好全部使它们含有无穷的魅力。xx分享经典优异英语诗歌,期望能够帮助大家! 经典优异英语诗歌:The Interrogation Amit Majmudar When they leathered his arm to the armrest and began like manicurists in a nail salon he says that he "retreated" from his hand until the part of him that dwelt there once was gone and heard no news from his own outer reaches. In his memoir of those years, he sketches the tricks he used, one of which was "vision." Maybe it's better we present his version: "I imagined my arm as a slope I had to scale, shaft of the humerus as smooth as shale but white like bone and giving way like sand wherever I set foot. I couldn't stand, couldn't take a breather, or I'd ride my own disintegration down and end up on the shore -- which was my hand, my fingernails. I crested my shoulder, rested on its knoll. I looked down then and saw the pain as men charging uphill to where I hid my sense of pain. At once I stomped a foot to see the whole arm crack, calve, crash into the sea, disarticulated, part of me no more. I did this for the other arm and for my feet and testicles and eyes until I found myself on a Pacific atoll that had no latitude, no longitude. I built a hut, I scuttled the one canoe. I saw a sun that weighed a kiloton and t