【摘要】城市高科技产业区在土地开发利用、人口组成、交通结构、区域独立性等方面有别于一般的城市建成区, 使得其交通规划,在对外联系、路网指标等方面有着一定的特殊性。本文仅以广州科学城交通规划为例, 试对高科技产业区交通规划的有关问题进行探讨,希望能起到一点实践借鉴作用。 【Abstract】City Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area is different from other city zone in certain respects, for example: land use, population composition, transport framework and the independence. So it has some special ways about the transport external connection, road network index and etc. This paper attempts to discuss the transportation planning problems of City Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area example of Guangzhou Science City which can be used for reference. 【关键词】高科技产业区 交通战略 交通规划