高原训练对中长跑运动员血液携氧能力的影响中长跑运动员 摘要:血液携氧能力关键取决于红细胞的血红蛋白。促红细胞生成素( EPO)能够促进红细胞的分化成熟进而提升血液中血红蛋白(Hb)的含量来提升血液携氧能力,提升运动员的训练水平。在高原低氧情况下,合理训练可提升体内的EPO水平,达成很好的训练效果。经过对中长跑运动员高原训练前后EPO和血氧饱和度SpO2等指标的观察,为高原训练手段的合理应用提供一定的理论及实践依据。 关键词:促红细胞生长素(EPO);血氧饱和度;血红蛋白(Hb);红细胞比容 中图分类号:文件标识码:A文章编号:1007-3612(2021)09-1223-02 Effects of Altitude Training on Middle-and-Long Distance Runners" Oxygen-Carrying Ability of Blood FAN Xiao-bing East China University of Technology, Fuzhou 344000, Jiangxi China Abstract:The oxygen-carrying ability of blood depends on erythrocyte"s hemoglobin. EPO can promote erythrocyte"s differentiation and maturation, then improve oxygen-carrying ability of blood by improving the hemoglobin of blood, furthermore, improve athletes" training level. At the situation of high altitude hypoxia, reasonable training can improve the level of EPO in vivo and reach better training effect. Provide a certain theoretical basis of reasonable application for the means of altitude training by observing the middle-and-long distance runners" indexes of EPO, SpO�2 and so on, before and after some altitude training. Key words: EPO; Blood Oxygen Saturation; haemoglobin; packed cell volume of erythrocyte 促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO) 是一个糖蛋白激素,分子量约34kD。因为EPO能促进血液中红细胞数量的增加,从而提升血液的载氧能力, 也被一些耐力项目(如长跑、自行车、游泳、划船等)的运动员滥用借以提升体能。研究表明,只要血氧浓度下降连续4 h以上,就会刺激体内EPO合成,继之血液中EPO浓度会急剧上升,甚至超出正常基线1 000倍