怎样在25分钟内提升你的工作效率职场英语 怎样在25分钟内提升你的工作效率职场英语 How often have you had a work day when, as mid-afternoon races toward late-afternoon, you realize that you haven"t really gotten anything done Painfully often, if you"re like many of the professionals we talked to for a recent study on everyday work life through Harvard Business School. 你工作时是否常常感到,下午甚至什么全部没做,就已经到黄昏了 Getty Images假如你和最近我们经过哈佛大学商学院(Harvard Business School)对日常工作进行的一项研究中采访的很多专业人士一样,那么这 种情况应该是常常在你身上发生。 Not only do unproductive days like this detract from the success of your projects, your team and your organization; they can endanger your own well-being. We discovered that nothing makes people feel happier and more engaged at work than making meaningful progress on something they care about. We call that the progress principle. But this progress principle has a serious downside: Nothing makes people feel worse than being stalled in their work and this negative effect is much stronger. 这种低效率不但会降低你所在团体和组织的项目成功率,还会威胁到 你本身。 我们发觉,没有什么比在自己关心的事情上取得有意义的进展更让人 快乐和干劲十足的了。我们称这为进展标准。但这种进展标准还有另外一面:没 什么比工作停滞不前更让人感到沮丧的了,而且这种负面影响比正面的影响要大 得多。 Most often, the cause of an unproductive day is fragmentation trying to juggle many competing, and usually unexpected, demands on your time. It"s what happens when you"ve worked like crazy all day, and still you have the sense that you haven"t been prod