某市1000例男男性接触人群HIV感染高危行为及感染现状调查.doc某市1 000例男男性接触人群HIV感染高危行为及感染现状调查 作者:杨旭1,2,易东1,丁贤彬3 单位:1第三军医大学军事预防医学院卫生统计学教研室,重庆400038;2重庆市沙坪坝区疾 病预防控制中心疾病防治科,重庆400038;3重庆市疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病防治所,重庆 400042 摘 要:13的 了解某市男男性接触者(men who have sexwithmen,MSM)HIV感染高危行 为及感染现状。方法采用& ldquo;滚雪球” 情况下对MSM进行面对面的问卷调查,并采集静脉血样进行HIV检测。结果 共调查1 000 例,年龄(27. 8±9. 1)岁。UNGASS指标知晓率为43. 9%。7& 6%的调查对象最近6个 月与同性有过肛交性行为,其中每次都使用安全套的比例为31. 8%。& 0%的调查对象最近6 个月有过同性商业性行为。检测HIV阳性率为10. 4%。结论 HIV已在该地区MSM人群 中局部流行,并有向一般人群扩散的危险,同时MSM人群中高危行为普遍存在,急需开展相关 干预措施。 关键词:男男性接触者;艾滋病;高危行为;现况调查 中图法分类号:R167;R195. 4;R512. 91 文献标识码:A Status ofhigh risk behavior and infection ofHIV /AIDS among 1 OOOmen who have sex with men in a city YANG Xul,2,YIDongl,DING Xian-bin3(IDepartmentofHealth Statistics,College of Preventive Medicine, Third Military MedicalUniversity,Chongqing 400038;2Disease Control Center of Shapingba District,Chongqing 400038;3Chongqing Disease Control Center,Chongqing 400010,China) Abstract:Objective To survey the high risk behavior and infection ofHIV/AIDS amongmenwho have sexwithmen(MSM)and provide scientific evidence forHIV/AIDS prevention and MSMwere sampled by snowball samplingmethod andwere interviewed bywell trained investigators face to face under the informed Their venous blood sampleswere collected forHIV seropositivity A total of1000MSM,averagely aged(27. 8±9. l)years,were intervie