有关演讲口语的情景对话 有关演讲口语的情景对话 我们学习英语是不能着急的,下面就由xx今天给大家带来的是英语 的情景口语对话,欢迎大家阅读和借鉴 情景对话 1. We’ve made significant improvements to our invoicing system. 我们已对原有的进销存系统进行了主要的优化。 2. This is an area where we’re finally starting to make real progress. 这是我们真正在改善的地方。 3. We’ve made a major breakthrough in AIDS research. 我们在艾滋病研究领域取得了突破性进展。 4. Together we can make a real difference to the way people shop. 只要一起努力,我们能够共同改变大家的购物习惯。 5. I’d like to make a distinction here between what I call innovative and imitative research. 我要给大家介绍下创新研究和模拟研究的区分。 6. We want our clients to make the most of the facilities we can offer them. 我们期望用户能够最大程度的利用我们所提供的设施。 7. After years of research into the technology, the company is finally making an impact on the sector. 经过多年技术研究,这家企业最终在业界有了一定的影响力了。 8. There’s an important point that needs to be made here. 有一个主要的点需要告诉大家。9. They’ve really made a mess of the ordering system. 她们的订购系统搞得一团糟。 TAKE 10. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to our company. 女士们先生们,很快乐你们来到我们企业,借此机会我期望表示我的 热烈欢迎。 11. It’s vitally important that we take action against illegal drug sales. 对非法药品销售采取反制方法是很主要的。 12. I’d like to take a few minutes to talk you through last quarter’s figures. 我会花几分钟时间跟大家过一下上个季度的数据。 13. Of course, it’s the innovative companies that consistently take the lead in cancer research that w