面包店用英语怎么说 面包店用英语怎么说 面包店是制作和销售面包蛋糕等西点的店面,当代式的经营范围有所 扩大,会同时经营中式糕点及饮品等食品。那么你知道面包店用英语怎么说吗下 面来学习一下吧。 面包店的英语说法1: bakery 面包店的英语说法2: tommy-shop 面包店的相关短语: 慕尼黑的面包店 A Bakery in Munich 成功的面包店 Baking Success 面包店旅馆 Hostel Pekarna 面包店的英语例句: 1. I"m just going to the baker"s. 我正要去面包店。 2. The point of home bread-making is to avoid those additives used in much commercial baking. 自制面包就是为了避免吃到很多面包店使用的添加剂。 3. We buy bread at the baker"s shop. 我们在面包店买面包. 4. You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts! 你能够步行去面包店买油炸圈饼!5. Miguel: Then what about the girl in the bakery 米盖尔: 那面包店的那个女孩 呢 6. Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes for people. 部分面包店为大家提供法式面包和蛋糕. 7. They used to give you a long dozen in that bakery. 以前那家面包店买一打给一饶头. 8. After the woman opened the bakery a surprisingly good business. 女人的面包店开张后,生意出奇的好. 9. After voting on Election Day, I stopped at a bakery. 去国会选举日投票以后, 我在一家面包店前停了下来. 10. What these companies also in common are unglamorous surroundi