A Introduction to Water Knows the Answers – the Hidden Messages in Water Crystals 2012-3-19 ? Water is believed to be the source of life, in some sense, from cosmos. ? Snow crystal reflects the inner structure of water, carrying the message of nature. The question is whether water can perceive information from human being. The answer is “ yes ”…? Photo collection of Water Crystals ? Water has the ability of sensation of “ seeing ” and “ listening ”. ? Water can learn by “ listening ” to music and “ reading ” words. All the pictures are taken from the book 《水知道答案》? Dr. Masaru Emoto ? Japanese, born in 1943 ? the head of the . General Research Institute, Inc. ? He began his quest to discover the mystery of water in 1994. Water of different quality makes different forms of crystals. Positive changes to water can be achieved through prayer, music, or attaching words to a container of water. ? Water in container is exposed to different condition ? Freezing ? Observing with microscope ? Taking photo ? No beautiful crystal could be get from tap water in cities. ? Left-Tokyo, Middle-London, Right-Paris Western Classical Music Buddhism Music of Tibet Listening to Music ? The Water Crystal from the Water exposed to the word “ LOVE AND GRATITUE ”