最新剑十阅读文章解析-A-Brief-History-of-Tea 剑十阅读“A Brief History of Tea”逐题解析 本篇文章的1-8题是段落标题配对题 什么是段落标题配对题?详解如下: 1 将选择列表中的标题(i,ii,iii等)与文章段落(A,B,C等)进行正确匹配。 2 不会用到所有标题,即提供的选项多于所需。 3 任何一个标题都不能重复使用。 通过以上的简单介绍,咱们通过具体题目来进行具体分析 Q1:Paragraph A 主题句:The story of tea began in ancient China over 5,000 years ago. 答案:viii A chance discovery 解题:A段主要讲的神农一个偶然机会发现茶的一个传说,因此与chance discovery吻合。 Q2: Paragraph B 关键句:tea in Japan has always been linked with Zen Buddihism 答案:iv A connection between tea and religion 解题:B段中心的意思就是茶和禅宗之间的联系,be linked with和connection同义表达。 Q3:Paragraph C 主题句:Tea was elevated to an art form in the Japanese tea ceremony, in which supreme importance is given to making tea in ... manner possible. 答案:x Tea-making as a ritual 解题:ceremony和ritual是同义表达。 Q4:Paragraph D 主题句:information concerning the then unknown beverage began to filter back to Europe 答案:vi News of tea reached another continent 解题:information和news是同义表达。 Q5: Paragraph E 关键句:This was due in part to tea being very expensive ..., which made it the domain of the wealthy. 答案:v A luxury item 解题:very expensive和luxury为同义表达。 Q6:Paragraph F 关键句:As the consumption of tea increased dramatically ..., society, doctors and university authorities in Holland argued as to its benefits or drawbacks. 答案:vii Is tea a good or bad thing? 解题:很明显benefits or drawbacks与good or bad是同义表达。 Q7:Paragraph G 关键句: