作者简介:方亦斌(1980- ), Tel: **********, E-mail: ******@
注:“* ”为通讯作者
[摘要]标准化病人(Standardized Patient, SP)在发达国家应用相当广泛,我们在研究生 临床考核中也采用了高年级医学生作为SP的客观结构化临床考试(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)。外科SP要表现的症状多,描述的病情变化快,阳性体征多。 在培训和应用过程中,我们发现在脚本的编写、SP的培训等方面都其自身的特点。
Training Procedures for Medical Students as Surgical Standardized Patients.
[Abstract] Standardized patients (SPs) have been widely used in many aspects of medical courses in developed countries. We have performed objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), which were also based on SPs played by medical srtudents, in the clinical skill evaluation on postgraduate students. We found that the surgical cases have their own characters as the numerous symptoms and signs are concerned. More attention should be payed on the scripts designing and SPs training.
[Key Words] Standardized Patient, surgical; training procedure
标准化病人(Standardized Patient, SP),又称模拟病人(Simulated Patient),是经过标准化、 系统化培训后能准确表现病人的实际临床问题的正常人或病人。在发达国家应用相当广泛, 不仅在各种日常考试中可以模拟病人,充当评估者,还被广泛地运用到临床教学中囚。我院 从2007年以来采用基于SP的客观结构化临床考试(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)来进行研究生临床技能的考核⑵。在培训和应用过程中,我们发现,外科SP要表现 的症状多,描述的病情变化快,阳性体征多,有其自身的特点,表演难度相对较大。现将我 们的经验介绍如下:
优秀的脚本是SP培训的基础,在脚本编写时一务必聘请相关三级学科有丰富教学经验 的专家进行编写。病种选择上应为临床多发病、常见病,脚本编写要求基
医学生作为外科标准化病人的培训 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.