会计学 1 无线传感器网络低功耗MAC协议综述 PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks I Introductuon WSN的MAC协议设计原则或目标是: (1)能量有效性。 (2)可扩展性。 (3)应用相关性。 应用相关性体现在对数据延迟、数据吞吐率、带宽利用率等指标上,不同的应用对这些指标的需求也不同。这些指标是传统无线网络中首要考虑的因素,在无线传感器网络中则成为次要的考虑因素。一般情况下,MAC协议的能量使用效率与数据延迟、吞吐率等指标之间是一个折衷平衡的关系。要获得较高的能量使用效率,就必须以数据延迟等其它性能指标为代价。如何在节能与其它指标之间取得平衡是无线传感器网络MAC协议设计的一个重要问题。 Latency Fairness Energy 第1页/共15页 PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks I MAC协议导致能量浪费的因素 冲突 冲突后重传需要消耗能量 串扰(overhearing) 收到了发给别人的数据包,需丢弃 控制开销 由于传输帧头等非实际负载所带来的能量消耗 空闲监听 即便不接收数据,监听信道会消耗相当于接收的50%-100%的能量 第2页/共15页 Ⅱ S-MAC PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks RTS请求发送分组 CTS清除发送分组 NAV网络分配矢量 S-MAC协议的不足 忙闲比固定,无法适应载荷的动态变化 节点休眠带来时延,不适合实时性要求高的网络 网络复杂、规模大的网络,能耗较大 第3页/共15页 Ⅱ B-MAC PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Sender-initiated asynchronous duty-cycling protocols Preamble >> receiver’s periodic wakeup interval Sender shows much larger duty cycle than a receiver 第4页/共15页 Ⅱ X-MAC PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with all of these sender-initiated protocols, a sender often shows much larger duty cycle than a receiver, transmitting the preamble until the receiver wakes up 第5页/共15页 Ⅱ Wise-MAC PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Send-initiated and pioneered predictive wakeup Repeating wakeup interval lead to persistent collision Ignore prediction error caused by hardware and OS latency Not address the issue of packet retransmission 第6页/共15页 Ⅱ RI-MAC PW-MAC: An Energy-Efficient Predictive-Wakeup MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Receiver-initiated wakeup beacons Avoid long sender-initiated preambles Immediately wakes up leading to a large sender duty cycle Idle listening until