摘 要:关于体脂率简易测量与评价方法的探讨是体质研究中的一个备受关注的问题。通过 分析比较不同皮褶厚度推测公式在推测青少年体脂率方面的差异,以及公式推测值与双能量 X线吸收法测量值之间的差异水平,探讨不同皮褶厚度推测公式的优劣,寻证用皮褶厚度测 量反映体脂水平的可行性,尝试建立适用于中国青少年的皮褶厚度推测体脂率的推测公式,为体质评价的方法学研究提供理论借鉴。 关键词:皮褶厚度;青少年;体脂率;DEXA 中图分类号:G804-49文献标识码:A文章编 号:1007-3612(20xx)07-0046-05 A Comparative Study on Method of Teenagers" Body Fat PercentageReasoning Based on Skin Fold Fat Thickness Measurement WU Xiang jun?1, HE Hui?2, LIU Xiao jun?3, XIONG Kai yu?2, ZHANG Yi min?2 (1. Beijing Sport Science Institutes, Beijing100075, China;2. Beijing Sport University, Beijing100084, China; . of PE, Weinan T eachers" College, Weinan 714000, Shaanxi China) Abstract: It is a very important issue to find out a convenient method of body fat percent age measurement and evaluation. Compared with the results of differen tskin fold fat thickness measurement in teenagers" body fat percentage, and diff erent levels of dual energy X ray absorptiometry, the paper discusses the advan t age and disadvantage of different skin fold fat thickness reasoning formulas, an alyzes the feasibility of skin fold fat thickness reasoning body fat percentage,in order to build up a formula to evaluate the body fat percentage with the ski n folds on Chinese teenagers, and provide theory support to the physical fitnessevaluation methodology. Key words: skin fold fat thickness; teenagers; body fat percentage; DEXA 在国
【对皮褶厚度推测青少年体脂率方法的比较研究】皮褶厚度计算体脂率 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.