【摘要】 目的 探讨西酞普兰联合护理干预2型糖尿病情绪障碍的疗效。 方法 将符合CCMD-3抑郁症诊断标准的2型糖尿病50例患者随机分成两组。研究组 在降糖药物基础上联合西酞普兰20mg/d和护理干预治疗,对照组仅用降糖药物治疗,疗程8 周。采用汉密顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评定疗效。结果 经8周治疗后,研究组 %,%,两组之间有显著性差异(P<),研究组 比对照组抑郁评分下降显著(P<),两组间HAMD减分率于第2、4、8周末比较均有 显著性差异(P<~)。结论西酞普兰联合护理干预对2型糖尿病患者情绪障碍具有良好疗效,而且副作用没有明显增加 。 【关键词】 西酞普兰;护理干预;2型糖尿病;情绪障碍 A Study on the Efficacy of Citalopram Combined with Mental Intervention in Treat ment of Emotional Disturbance in Type Ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus. Zhang Guipin g, Long Jinliang, Zhang Huifang, et al. Zhumadian Mental Hospital, Zhumadian 46 3000, 【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effects of Citalopram combined w ith mental intervention on the emotional disturbance in the patients with TypeⅡ diabetes mellitus disease. Methods 50 Type Ⅱ diabetes mellitu s patients who conform todepression diagnoisis standard of CCMD-3 were randomly divided into research gr o up (anti-Type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus drug combined with Citalopram 20mg/d and men t al intervention) and control group (single anti-Type Ⅱ diabetes mellitus drug)for 8 weeks. Clinical curative effects were assessed with the Hamilton Depressio n Scale (HAMD). Results At the end of 8th week, the effectual r ates of researchand control groups were % and % respectively, there were significant di fferences between the two groups(P<), compared with controlgroup, scores o f the HAMD