英汉文体翻译第十一讲 2010 1 第十一讲旅游文体的翻译旅游文本:标识语(告示标牌)、导游词、旅游广告、旅游宣传册(brochure) 、旅游宣传单(leaflet) 、旅游指南、旅游景点介绍、旅游行程介绍、旅游合同、旅游地图、旅行见闻等。以交际为目的,强调信息、情感、指示、驱动功能,以读者关照为翻译时的重要原则。中英文在逻辑和衔接上的重要差异作为对读者阅读体验的预期。对比两段英汉旅游语篇青岛是中国优秀旅游城市。青岛独特的地理位置和历史背景使其自 20世纪 20年代就成为著名的观光旅游城市和疗养避暑胜地。青岛风光秀丽,气候宜人。蜿蜒连绵前海海滨,起伏多姿的海上山峦,红瓦绿树的城市风景,浓缩近、现代历史文化的名人故居,具有典型欧陆风格的多国建筑,构成了一道中西合璧的山、海、城交融的海滨风景线,是旅游观光、度假休闲、商务会展的最佳目的地。青岛市区,西部为“红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天”的老风貌保护区,东部为现代化建筑风貌区,新老两区相融相映,形成了“海上都市、欧亚风情”的城市特点。《中国青岛指南》 Exeter is an mercial center for the South West, and bines the advantages ofa modern city with the charm of one with a long and colourful history. Aspects of this history are easily seen in the medival Cathedral, the Guildhall and the Quay, which is now a popular waterfront venue. Exeter has a population of around 100,000 and has all the shops and cultural and recreational facilities you would expect to find ina thriving university town. Some of the best countryside in Britain is very close to Exeter. The Dartmoor National Park is to the west, and Exmoor, which also has spectacular scenery, is to the north. The coastal town of Exmouth, with its sandy beaches, is about nine miles away. 对比两段英汉旅游语篇 On the road leading from central Europe to the Adriatic coast lies a small Slovenian town of Postojna. Its subterranean world holds some of Europe's most magnificent under ground galleries. Time loses all meanings in the formation of these underg
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