南 京 师 范 大 学 泰 州 学 院 毕 业 论 文〔设 计〕 〔2012 届〕 题 目: 浅谈舞蹈创作 院〔系、部〕: 音乐学院 专 业: 舞蹈编导 姓 名: 胡 兵 学 号 06080319 指导教师: 丁 义 伟 南京师范大学泰州学院教务处 制 内容摘要:舞蹈创作有其审美标准。舞蹈审美标准是进展审美活动〔欣赏美和创造美〕所应遵循的规那么、标准和法规。我们研究舞蹈创作的审美标准。其目的就是使我们进展舞蹈审美创造活动时要依据舞蹈创作的艺术规律,掌握比较科学的方法和原那么,以便更好的发挥个人独特的创造精神,能够顺利到达成功的此岸。 舞蹈的创作要从以下几个最有直接关系的问题谈论。 舞蹈创作的艺术构思:是一个捕捉个寻求编导心中最理想的舞蹈形象所必须经历的历程,也是舞蹈编导展开舞蹈艺术想象的翅膀进展创作的艰辛过程。不管用什么样的表现手段和方法,都必须以塑造人物的舞蹈形象为其出发点和归宿。 舞蹈创作的类型可分为:一、抒情性舞蹈〔情绪舞〕二、叙事性舞蹈〔情节舞〕三、戏剧性舞蹈〔舞剧〕。 关键词 舞蹈 舞蹈审美 创作 艺术构思 艺术形式 AbstractThe choreographyhas itsaesthetic norms. Danceaesthetic norms ofaestheticactivities(to appreciate beauty and create beauty) should follow therules, standards and regulations. We have studiedtheaesthetic normsofdancecreation. Its purpose is toenable ustodanceaesthetictocreateactivitiesbasedonthechoreographyofthe laws of art, to masterthescientificmethods and principles, inordertobetter play to theuniquecreative spiritoftheindividualhecansuccessfullyreachtheother side of success. T creation The dance from the following most directly related to the problem to talk about. The choreography of artistic conception: The is a catch seek directing the hearts of the best dance image must go through the course, but also The choreographer The expand The imagination The art of dance The the difficult process The creation. No matter what the performance means and methods must shape The character of the dance image as their starting point and destination. Dance creation can be divided into: a lyrical dance (emotional dance), narrative dance (plot Dance), dramatic dance (ballet). KeywordsThe ideaTheaestheticcreative artsDance Danceart form 目录 引言 …………………………………………………………………4 1、从生活到舞蹈创作………………………………………………5 2、舞蹈创作的表现范围………………………………………