4 b 6 7 8 9 lo 11 15 B^LLsCREW REPLACE INsTRUCTIoN 、 Vhen rep】ace BaⅡ screlv foⅡow procedure as below 1 Takc TABLE C0V冗 R olF 田IGTURE 2 Take M0T0R oFf Remove衽scrcw oF1he MOTOR M0UNTING BAsE and loose C0UPLING sCREW lPICTUItE3,匆 3 Rem。 ve SET sCltEW fl°m BEΛR1NG NUT Rcm° ve B氐 Xss T【 p flom inside of BEAR1NG NUT lPICTUltE5'o Remove BEAptING NuT lrom BALLsCREW Use wtench17mm t° hold ballscrew and wrench22mn to1oOse bearing nut CPICTURE o Take GRE腮E UPP1PING o噩CICTURE8`Φ【iemove4scrCw or lhe ba△nut lrPICTuRE10 M(``e切 blc tO Mo10r⒋de e1cTL1RE11〉 Pu⒒ou1BALLsCRE、 V flom bearing ll。 lder Remcve C rlllg elo1ruP E1D Take BE^JRING° 钍lP1CTURI 13/ Pu⒒BA;几 sCltE\V forward1hen movO。{ller side1o1ake ou1from BALLNt1T holdcr rPICl「LlRE14,15) 12 Now you able1°takc B^JJsCRE、 V°ut eICTuRE 16〉】3 Pu1NEˇ V BAJ1LSCRI、 V on to Ⅲ achine 1hat foⅡ v reverse procerlure or dlsasscⅢ ble AdJus1BalIscrOw abgnment Bring1able Close lo motor lo°se Ballscrcw hoIdtng scrc、v M° ve 1able back and for1h several 1imes and tight up scre、Ⅴ Make sure BallscrOw a】ign men1 by mcasure mo1or dJiver voltago Meastlre voltagc between"CUR"and"GND" au sⅤ lce wlll bC5O GOmV 】4 ∷∷∶ Take TAB【'Ec0、πR。.f (PICTURE A ∶— c》— 2 Take M0T0R off l∞se COUPL1NG Removc犭 screw°fthe M0T0R RI0UNTING BAsE and sCREW CPI TLlRE3,o◇ 3 ReⅡ e SET SCltEW丘om BE'CiING Nu1 PIcTURE llE少a1NG ATt T Rem°ve BR3sS TIP丘 0rn i
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