合作原则视角下生活大爆炸中谢尔顿幽默话语分析.docAbstract 4 Chapter 1 Introduction 5 Research background 5 Research questions 6 Research significance 7 Organization of Thesis 7 Chapter 2 Literature review 8 study of Systemic-Functional Grammar from home and broad 8 Studies Abroad about Systemic-Functional Grammar 8 Studies in China about Systemic-Functional Grammar 9 Studies of English advertising language from home and abroad 9 Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 10 Ideational meta-function 10 Transitivity 10 Voice 11 Interpersonal Meta-function 12 Mood system 12 Modality system 13 Person Pronouns System 13 The First Person Pronouns 14 The Second Person Pronouns 14 The Third Person Pronouns 14 Textual Meta-function 14 Chapter 4 Analysis of English perfume advertisement with three meta-functions 16 Analysis of English Perfume language from the perspective of ideational meta- function 16 Case Study of transitivity 16 Case Study of voice 18 Analysis of English Perfume language from the perspective of Interpersonal meta-function 20 The analysis of mood 20 The analysis of modality 23 The analysis of person pronoun system 24 Case Study of First Person Pronouns 25 Case Study of Second Person Pronouns 26 Case Study of Third Person Pronouns 27 Summary 28 Analysis of English Perfume language from the perspective of textual meta- function 28 Chapter 5 Conclusion 30 major findings of the thesis 30 limitation of the thesis 31 Suggestions for Further Studies 31 摘要 英语广告语篇分析始于1980年,迄今为止已经有三十多年的历史了 ,这些硏究更多的 是句法特征和修辞特征等语言学角度出发,或者是硏究系统功能语法中的人际意义。 受布拉格学派影响,韩礼德提出并完善了系统功能语法的三个元功能:概念功能 (ideational function )、人际功能(interpersonal function )和篇章功能(textualfunction)。 自二十一世纪以来,我国学者基于系统功能语法对旅游,房地产,服饰等广告语篇进 行了研究,但是在香水广告语方面的硏究仍然有所欠缺。本论文从电视、杂志、网络 等媒介收集了近年来的知名香水品牌的广告宣传所用的语言,基于功能语法角度下的 三个元功能理论做出语篇分析,旨在发现从语言学角度广告是如何实现概念功能,人 际功能和语篇功能的,以及商家是如何通过广告的使用实现刺激消费者购买的目的的。 通过研究发现 :(1)第二人称代词"你"经常出现,同时也使用第一人称代词和第三人称代 词,语篇中常用一些疑问句和祈使句,从而和消费者营造一个讨论氛围,这将让消费者 放松以实现沟通的目的,从而人际功能得以实现。(2)就语篇功能而言,在主位推进模式 方面,香水广告的推进模式强调叙述主题,派生主位模式的