REACHING OUT Youth educational program on schizophrenia. English | Francis The Stanley Medical Researcli Inslitute AbouF l/s 2003年末,美国《科学》杂志评出年度十大科学成就, 精神病产生机理的研究进展名列第二。该项成果显示,科 News & Meetings Research Programs Applying for a Grant Research Publications Resource links Research on Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Lum. Sw* 、疗以如血 学家们识别出一些会增加遗传性精神疾病发病风险的基 因,这些基因可能会使大脑信息处理过程产生异常,刺激人 患精神病。 SL 一 ■ ■ 口 K ■ Schizophrenia ■ What causes Schizophrenia? ■致病机理假说 ■ Symptoms ■ Medication ■总结和展望 "The most famous psychiatrist in America ” E. Fuller Torrey Background 据统计,目前,全世界患有精神分裂症和神经 两级错乱的病人约占总人口的2%%。近年 来,我国精神病总患病率也呈明显上升趋势, 已达13%o-47%o?有精神病患者1600多万。 精神健康已成为每个人都面临的问题,同时, 科学家们更加关注精神病发病机理,并且不 断发现与精神病有关的基因,精神病的研究 g纶进入了基因阶段。 back Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a disease that strikes young people in their prime . Usual age of onset is between 16 and 25 . For men, the age of onset fbr schizophrenia is often ages 16 to 20 . For women, the age of onset is sometimes later ― ages 20 to 30 . | SV 6D SA> THAT>?? Image: COOP PHOTO 朋T COLLECTIVE • . • • • • • INNER WORLD of people with I schizophrenia is often confused, punctuated by alien voices, paranoia and | illogical thoughts. Schizophrenia Alzlicimers Ll ■ R y A X n A ■ A R R 2 m ITIIIllIIIiIiIIIIIl rllTTITIIlT ■ ■ 111 ■■■IIII Multiple Sclerosis 5x 11Al11x241 TTTTTTrrrr 6X 60x a lapE 牝E」a L 以Tfmsn Instilin-dependeii! Diabetes Muscular Dystrophy Relative Prevalence of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is found all over the world It affects 1 in 100people worldwide . John Nash ・ Mathematician/ Nobel Prize Winner Ian Chovil What causes Schizophrenia? Cellular disarray of schizophrenia back ■ Molecular Biology ■ Genetic Predisposition ■ Cerebral Blood Flow ;. Stress ■ Drug Abuse ■ Nutritional Theories THE BRAIN IN SCHIZOPHRENIA 基底神 经节 边缘区域 ALFREDT MANY BRAIN REGIONS and systems operate abnormally in schizophrenia, including those highlighted below. Imbala