新闻新闻传播论文范文浅议浅谈民生节目如何说民生下载.doc新闻新闻传播论文范文:浅议浅谈民生节目如何说民生word 版下载 导读:本论文是一篇关于民生节目如何说民生的优秀论文范文,对正 在写有关于新闻论文的写作者有一定的参考和指导作用,论文片段: 体大众是对民众生计、民众基本的日常生活、结合我国大众的切身个 人利益密切相关的传播方式之一。但是民生类新闻不是一个有关新闻 样式的概念,但却是一个在新闻媒介勇于创新的新闻形式概念。 到底我们所说的民生类新闻节目何为民生新闻呢?就是电视媒体包 括电视的工作人员把立场站在百姓的人文关怀公众,从普通百姓的日 常生活 浅谈民生节目如何说民生 【摘要】 伴随着传媒界新闻媒体的体制改革大风向,我国的省、市级电 视台的发展尤为艰难。无论是电视受众群体还是资金来源都充满了阻 碍因素和不利因素。民生节目形成了一种以平民化为民生新闻在民角度出发,并且充满亲和力,便被老百姓所拥护。研究民生类 的节目不仅仅要关注节目的导向作用,还要关注受众影响、节目定位 和主持人的形象确立的各种因素。本文重点以理论说明加案例分析的 方式(《都市零距离》和《新闻夜航》),根据节目形式样态,将新闻 类节目中的民生类节目归类总结,分析这两个节目的共同点和不同之 处。从而归纳民生类节目的特点和不足之处,并举例分析民生类节目 的主持特点,总结出对中国民生类节目主持人主持质量的思考和建 议。本文研究将为民生类节目受众定位研究,民生类节目导向作用研 究,以及民生类节目主持人风格定位研究奠定理论基础。 【关键词】 新闻 民生 主持风格A Brief Introduction to The Way People' s Well-being Programs Talk about People' s Well-being [Abstract】 Accompanied by strong trends of the news and media system reformation, the difficulties for the development of China' s television stations, provincial and municipal stations especially, emerged. Both TV audience and funding sources are huge problems with obstacles and unfavorable factors. At such an era, formed a kind of people' s well-being programs which focus on common people from common people' s perspective, and the programs are full of affinity, are embraced by the people. To study people' s well-being programs one needs to not only consider factors like the guiding role of the program, but also factors like the audience, positioning and the host image. This paper categorizes different kinds of people' s well-being programs and exams both difference and similarities of two specific programs, namely Zero Distance to Urban Life and News Nightline, using cases combined with theoretical instructions, thus, to summarize the characteristics and defects of the people' s well-being programs. Meanwhile, by analyzing the characteristics and of the people' s well-being programs' hosts, conclusions are made upon the thinking and suggestion to the quality of the hosts. This paper would present theoretical foundations