英语网络用语大全 2=to/too 2Bornot 2B=Tobeornot tobe 4=for 4ever =forever ASL =Age/Sex/Location AFAIC =AsFar AsI’mConcerned AFAIK =AsFar AsIKnow AFK =Away From Keyboard AIAMU =And I’mAMonkey ’sUncle AISI =AsISee It AKA =Also Known As AMBW =All MyBest Wishes ANFAWFOWS =And Now For AWord Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS =All OfThe Sudden ASAFP =AsSoon As"Friggin" Possible ASAP =AsSoon AsPossible ATST =AtThe Same Time AWGTHTGTTA =Are WeGoing ToHave ToGoThrough This Again AWGTHTGTTSA =Are WeGoing ToHave ToGoThrough This ShAgain AYSOS =Are You Stupid OrSomething B4=Before B4N =Bye For Now BBFBBM =Body ByFisher, Brains byMattel BBIAB =BeBack InABit BBIAF =BeBack InAFew BBL =BeBack Later BBN =Bye Bye Now BCNU =BeSeein ’You BF=Boyfriend BFD =Big Fing Deal BFN =Bye For Now BHOF =Bald Headed Old Fart BIF =Basis InFact BITD =Back InThe Day Biz =Business BM=Byte Me BMOTA =Byte MeOnThe Ass BNF =Big Name Fan BOHICA =Bend Over Here es Again BR=Bathroom BRB =BeRight Back BRT =BeRight There BS=Big Smile BT=Byte This BTDT =Been There Done That BTSOOM =Beats The ShOut OfMe BTW =ByThe Way BTWBO =BeThere With Bells On BWDIK =But What DoIKnow? BWO =Black, White orOther Cam =Web Camera CIAO =Goodbye (in Italian) CID =Consider ItDone CIO =Check ItOut CIS =CompuServe Information Service CMF =Count MyFingers Cof$ =Church ofScientology CRAFT =Can ’tRemember AFing Thing CRAWS =Can ’tRemember Anything Worth ASh CSL =Can ’tStop Laughing CTC =Choaking The Chicken CU=See You CUL/CYL/CUL8R =See You Later CWYL =Chat With You Later CYA =Cover Your Ass DBEYR =Don ’tBelieve Everything You Read DD=Due Diligence DDD =Direct Distance Dial DETI =Don ’tEven Think It DGT =Don ’tGoThere DHYB =Don ’tHold Your Breath DIIK =Damned IfIKnown DILLIGAD =DoILook Like IGive Ad\amn DILLIGAS =DoILook Like IGive ASh DKDC =Don ’tKnow Don ’tCare DL=Download DLTM =Don ’tLie ToMe DQYDJ =Don ’tQuit You ’reDay Job DRIB =Don ’tRead IfBusy DS=Dunce Smiley DYSTSOTT =Did You See The Size OfThat Thing EG=Evil Grin EOM =End OfMessage ESO =Equi
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