利他人身保险合同投保人任意解除权限制研究 【摘要】法律制定的目的普遍以公平正义及利益平衡为基准,保险法亦不例外。据此,我衡的目的,将“任意解除权”这一权利赋予了投保人。这一权利是综合考虑投保人与保险人在体量上、保险法律知识水平上以及信息的获取能力上的差距而设立的,以期能在一定程度上平衡投保人的弱势地位。但该任意解除权的行使却有可能与原本立法的目的背道而驰,造成对合同相关人的利益损害。本文先从介绍解除权入手,再逐一列举任意解除权行使过程中产生的问题,并在法律理论基础和现实社会环境方面深入分析造成这种情况的原因为何。最后参考其他国家及地区的相关经验,尝试从立法和制度方面来对限制投保人的任意解除权提出一些建议。本文可分为前言、利他人身保险合同任意解除权的阐述和释义、利他人身保险合同任意解除权在实际中的行使、以及对任意解除权的思考和建议五部分。 【关键词】投保人任意解除权;利他人身保险合同;利益平衡 the Research on Applicant's Right of Termination without Any Reason in Altruistic Life Insurance Contract [Abstract] Throughout the insurance contract law, the interest balance is its universal value. Accordingly, our country is in "insurance law", for the purpose of realizing benefit balance, base on the inequality of natural position of policy-holder and underwriter, and the asymmetry of information, endue policy-holder with" termination without any reason ", expect to balance policy-holder's weak position on certain level. This paper mainly analyzes the problems existing in the application of the policyholder's right of arbitrary rescission in the insurance law in the contract of altruistic person insurance, and then puts forward the measures to solve the problem, and analyzes the theoretical basis and practical basis of the measures. At last, the author tries to consider the way of restricting the policyholder's right of arbitrary discharge from the perspective of law interpretation and legislation by referring to the experience of other countries. In addition to the preface and conclusion, this paper is divided into three parts, including the elaboration of the right to arbitrary termination, the exercise of the right to arbitrary termination in practice, as well as the thinking and Suggestions on the right to arbitrary termination. [Keywords] Applicant's right of termination without any reason; Altruistic life insurance contract; Interests balance 目 录 1 前言 6 对利他人身保险合同投保人任意解除权研究的目的及意义 6 7 7