[摘要] 目的 分析探究护理安全管理在精神科护理中的应用价值。方法 该次将该院于2019年1—12月在职的24名精神科护士作为研究对象,对所有护士均加强护理安全管理,进一步对同期精神科100例接受护理服务的患者作为对护士护理服务的满意程度进行分析评价。结果 ①实施护理安全管理方法后,护士的健康宣教、心理护理、用药护理、护理安全能力评分均明显高于实施前(P<)。②实施护理安全管理后,在患者对护士的护理服务工作满意程度方面,满意85例、基本满意13例、不满意2例,%,明显高于实施前(P<)。③100例患者中,实施护理安全管理后,护理纠纷事件发生2件,%;实施前发生15件,%。结合数据可知,实施护理安全管理后的护理纠纷事件发生率明显低于实施前,差异有统计学意义(P<)。结论 精神科护理中,护理安全管理方法的应用可提高护士的护理能力水平,并促进患者对护士护理服务工作满意度的提高。
[关键词] 护理安全管理;精神科护理;应用价值
[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2020)09(b)-0004-03
[Abstract] Objective To analyze and explore the application value of nursing safety management in psychiatric nursing. Methods This time, 24 psychiatric nurses in the hospital from January to December 2019 were selected as the main subjects of the study. All nurses were strengthened in nursing safety management, and 100 patients in the psychiatric department received nursing services during the same period are analyzed and evaluated about their satisfaction with nurses' nursing services. Results the implementation of nursing safety management methods, the nurses' health education, psychological nursing, medication nursing, and nursing safety ability scores were significantly higher than before implementation(P<). the implementation of nursing safety management methods, in terms of patient satisfaction with nurses’ nursing services, 85 cases were satisfied, 13 cases were basically satisfied, and 2 cases were dissatisfied. The total satisfaction rate was %, which is higher than that before implementation. 100 patients, after the implementation of nursing safety management, 2 cases of nursing disputes occurred, with an incidence rate of %; 15 cases occurred before the implementation, with an incidence rate of %. Combined with the data,
护理安全管理在精神科护理中的应用价值探究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.