【2018年中考英语作文范文:启事】 寻物启事范文英语作文 中考网权威发布2016年中考英语作文范文:启事,更多2016年中考英语作文范文相关请访问中考网。 [中文提示] 我叫 Steve ,在操场丢了一串钥匙,请打电话 86856034 找我,本人将万分感谢。 [范文展示] lost May 4, 2004 I lost a set of keys on the playground when I was playing basketball yesterday. My name is Steve. Please call 86856034. Steve 或者: Lost A set of keys was lost on the playground. My name is Steve. Please call 86856034. 招领启事以作为标题放在启事上方正中。在右下角写上招领启事的时间。启事的正文包括招领的物品、拾到物品的时间及丢失者去认领失物的地点及联系情况等。启事下文的右下角写登这一启事的人或,有时也可以不写落款和写启事的时间,标题后直接写正文。 [中文提示] 我在操场拾得一串钥匙,请打电话 65296403 找 Mario . [展示] Found May 4, 2004 I found a set of keys on the playground yesterday. Please call Mario at 65296403. Mario 或者: Found: A set of keys on the playground. Is this yours? Please call Mario. Phone # 65296043.