传统民居与乡土建筑 2021 年 6 月第 18 卷总第 394 期 城市建筑 古城整体保护开发构想 ——以北京上庄纳兰容若故居为例 段思乔 (北京建筑大学建筑与城市规划学院,北京 100037) 摘要 :文章基于古城开发与保护的思考方向,对北京上庄纳兰容若故居的现状与问题进行研究,试图以引入“整体性”保护计划、 系统式规划等方式解决乡镇的发展固化现状,在遗产保护方面提出“应尊重古建的原有风貌”“周边建筑与古建协调统一”等观点。 关键词 :城乡规划 ;古建保护;遗产活化;文化建筑 [中图分类号]TU-05 [文献标识码]A DOI :. The Conception for the Overall Protection and Development of the Ancient City —— A Case of the Former Residence of Nalan Rongruo in Shangzhuang, Beijing Duan Siqiao (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Beijing Jianzhu University, Beijing 100037, China) Abstract: Based on the thinking direction of ancient city development and conservation, the paper studies the current situation and problems of the former residence of Nalan Rongruo in Shangzhuang, Beijing, and tries to solve the solidified development situation of the township by introducing“holistic” conservation plan and systematic planning, and proposes ideas such as“respecting the original appearance of ancient buildings”,“harmonizing the surrounding buildings