预埋PVC塑料声测管灌注桩超声波检测技术探讨.docx预埋PVC塑料芦测管灌注桩超声波检测技术探讨 徐新军 温振统 刘远亮 (广东省建筑科学研究院广州510500) 摘 要:PVC塑料声测管由于管材的热膨胀系数与混凝土相差悬殊,故在混凝土凝固后容易出现局部脱开而形成空气夹缝, 使声波在空气中传播能量快速衰减,造成该处信号误判。部分桩通过桩头蓄水浸泡,水渗透后会排开夹缝中的空气,使得桩、管 耦合良好,得到满意的测试效果,但部分桩采用该法也无法获得满意的声波信号,据此进行判据则会导致误判。 关键词:声波透射法声测管;PVC管;空隙 Discussion on Ultrasonic Testing Technology of Embedded PVC Plastic Acoustic Detecting Pipe Filling Pile Xu Xinjun Wen Zhentong Liu Yuanliang (Guangdong Provincial Academy of Building Research Guangzhou 510500, China) Abstract: PVC plastic acoustic detecting pipe which thermal expansion coefficient is quite variable with concrete is partial disengaged and it is easy to cause the air cracks after concrete is concretionary, so the transmitted energy of sound wave decays fleetly in the air, anc it causes signal misjudged. Part of the pile can be pushed aside the air between the interstice with water infiltration through water storage and immersion of pile head, making the pile and pipe be in good coupling, it is lead to satisfactory test results, but it can not get a satisfactory acoustic signal in some pile with this method, hereby the criterion will cause misdiagnosis. Keywords:acoustic transmission method: acoustic pipe; PVC pipe; interstice 1 前言 混凝土灌注桩的声波透射法检测是在结构混凝 土声学检测技术基础上发展起来的,自20世纪70年 代起应用于检测混凝土灌注桩的完整性。基桩成孔 后,在混凝土灌注前,在桩内预埋若干根声测管作为 声波发射和接收换能器的通道。在桩身混凝土强度 满足测试要求后检测,用声波检测仪沿桩的纵轴方 向逐点采集记录穿过桩身各横截面的声学参数,然 后对这些检测数据进行处理、分析、判断,确定桩