专 论 Monograph 站场埋地管阴极保护 电位测量与评估的影响因素 黄红科 魏松林 刘 朝 章 强 龚 怒 高路杨 赵博康 (中核武汉核电运行技术股份有限公司,湖北 武汉 430223) 摘 要:建立了站场埋地管试验场, 模拟了站场实施阴极保护电位测量的一系列典型应用场 景,通过对比试验研究了IR降、金属材料搭接干扰、牺牲阳极材料、阴极保护电位测量方法、防 腐层材料及破损等多项因素对阴极保护电位测量与评估结果的影响规律,为开展站场埋地管阴极 保护电位测量与评估提供了参考。 关键词:复站场 埋地管 阴极保护电位 测量与评估 影响因素 中图分类号: 文献标识码:A DOI:.11-2706/ Influence Factors on Survey and Evaluation of Cathodic Protection Potential for Buried Pipes in Stations HUANG Hong-ke, WEI Song-lin, LIU Zhao, ZHANG Qiang, 技术 GONG Nu, GAO Lu-yang, ZHAO Bo-kang (China Nuclear Power Operation Technology Co., Ltd. Wuhan 430223, China) Abstract: Station buried piping experimental field was built for this study. Under series simulation of typical application scenarios of cathodic protection potential survey, experimental comparison study was carried out for influence rules on survey and evaluation results of cathodic protection potential from different factors including IR drop, interferenc