个人收集 仅供参考学习 勿做商业用途 Gone with the Wind On the Characterization of Scarlett in Gone With the Wind The film adapted from the best-selled novel?Gone With The Wind?,described a story basic of the background of American Cival ,a unipue girl,who has the special personalities,write her own story an love life. We can be modeled after the novel write by Margaret Mitchell, divide The movie into four parts. Through this kind of means can we a deeper understanding about the feminine lead-- Scarlett. time in Tara. In this period of life, Scarlett is a vain, charming, selfish, willful, carefree, egotistic and self-impotant girl. At the beginning , Scarlett is only 16 years old. She is naive, charming, vigorous and carefree. the only thing for Scarlett is to dress up beautifully and looks for an ideal husband. She could never long endure any conversation of which she is not the chief subject, and she hopes that every man should pay attention only to her. Because of her father Gerald 5