关键词:路径规划,遗传算法,模拟退火算法,旅行商问题,近邻法,相似性 I Abstract The mobile robot is an important branch of the field of robot. In particular, path-planning is critical to mobile robot system because it determines the quality of the robot’s task. As a result, path-planning has attained more and more attention in the field of mobile robot. In this thesis mobile robot path planning includes two aspects: obstacle avoidance path planning and TSP path-planning problem. Obstacle avoidance path planning is achieving the best path from starting point to goal point by avoiding all barriers. The path searching depends on one or more optimization rules. TSP path-planning is the problem some known distance between the city, has a salesman to be visited these cities, and visit each city only once, finally return to the starting city, how to arrange the visit to the city of his order, make its total shortest length route of travel. This thesis first discusses the development situation of path planning in technology and application method, and po