2010 全国现代制造集成技术学术会议论文集 450 夹具平面定位误差的连杆机构模型及其概率分析?吴玉光,宋建青( 杭州电子科技大学机械工程学院,浙江杭州 310018) 摘要: 工件-夹具系统中决定定位误差的因素可以概括为加工表面、工序基准、定位基准和定位元件四个要素,这四个定位误差要素在平面定位情况下均可以用直线、圆、圆弧和点来表示。将四个要素之间的位置及其变动关系用平面连杆机构模型等价表示,研究采用机构的结构参数表示工件-夹具系统的所有工序信息及其内在联系的方法,建立工件和夹具定位元件接触副与机构构件之间的映射关系,建立尺寸和形位公差的机构构件和运动副表示方法,获得自动建立定位误差计算模型,采用机构误差概率分析方法求解夹具定位误差。关键词: 夹具定位误差;定位误差要素;平面连杆机构;概率分析中图分类号: TG701 文献标志码: A The Link Mechanism Model and Its Probabilistic Analysis of Fixture Planar Location Error WU Yu-guang ,SONG Jian-qing (College of Mechanical Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China) Abstract :There are only four elements related to fixtur e location error in workpi ece-fixture system, .: machining surface, process datum, location datum and locators, which can be in dicated by four planar geometry elements: line segment, circle, arc and po int. The position of the four elements and the position variation between them are denoted by equivalent planar link mechanism model. All process requirements and process information of workpiece-fixture system are represented by the structure parameter of link mechanism. The rules mapping fro m contact pairs to mechanism kinematic pairs and components are established and the rules controlling the conversion from dimension and tolerance relations to link ponents are explo