许永生 吴丽军 摘要:通过对西宁市城市绿地进行实地调查,统计出城市绿地中露地栽植的园林植物种类共429种,分属于74科199属,其中,乡土植物152种(其中常用乡土植物57种),引进植物 277种(其中常用引进植物155种),并分别对它们的应用现状进行了分析。从乡土植物的角度进一步讨论园林植物应用情况,提出注重体现园林植物多样性、加强野生乡土观赏植物开发与利用、加大乡土植物应用比例、丰富植物群落景观等建议,以期为西宁市城市绿地中园林植物的选择与应用提供参考。 关键词:西宁市;园林植物;多样性;应用情况 中图分类号:;S732 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2018)22-0080-06 DOI:.issn0439- 開放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID): Abstract: based on the field investigation of the urban green-lands of Xining city,there are 429 species of ornamental plants which belong to 74 families 199 genuses. 152 species of native plants(57 species of common native plants),277 species of introduced plants(155 species of common introduced plants),and their utilization status were analyzed respectively. Further discussions were made from the perspective of native plants. Some proposals were put forward in order to provide reference for the selection and application of ornamental plants in urban green-lands of Xining city such as focusing on the diversity of ornamental plants,strengthening the development and utilization of the native plants,increasing the proportion of native plants,enriching the plant community landscape. Key words: Xining city; ornamental plants; diversity; application 园林植物是城市绿地建设中最重要的素材之一,园林绿化的观赏效果和艺术水平的高低很大程度上取决于园林