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JLQ 系列罗茨气体流量计 JLQ SERIES ROOTS GAS METER 天津市第五机床厂 TIANJIN CHINA MACHINE TOOL WORKS 津制 00000161 号使用说明书 MANUAL 1 前言感谢您使用天津第五机床厂提供的罗茨气体流量计系列产品。为保证您正确使用、安装和维护我厂的精密计量设备,使用前请务必仔细阅读此用户手册。在未声明之前,本公司有权根据技术发展的需要,对本手册进行修改。 PREFACE Thanking you for us ing series products of Roots Gas Meter offered by Tianjin China Machine Tool Works. To ensure your correct use, installation and maintenance of the sophisticated metering equipment, you must carefully read the user manual. Before the statement, pany keep the right to modify this manual according to the development of technology. 2 概述 JLQ 系列罗茨气体流量计,是计量流经管道中气体流量的容积式仪表。具有工作压力范围大、流量量程宽、精度高、体积小、重量轻、安装维修方便、使用可靠等特点, 同时对流通介质的适应性强, 可广泛应用于天然气、煤制气、惰性气体、空气等气体的流量计量, 是国内外城市燃气、油田化工、科学研究等部门理想的流量计量装置。在企业的现代化管理、经济核算及节约能源等方面起着重要作用。流量计标准型主要由测量和积算两大部分组成,能就地指示累计流量,可根据需要配置温压补偿积算仪和各种接口关系,以满足用户不同的使用要求。 ABSTRACT The JLQ series Roots Gas Meter of model A isa capacity type instrument to calculate the flow through the piping. It has many characteristics such as big range of the pressure, broad span of rate, high accuracy, small volume , light weight, convenience of maintain ing and use credibility. M eanwhile, it has a strong adaptability to current media and can be used in calculating natural gas, inert gases, air and so on. It is an ideal equipment for sections of bustion gas, oil-field chemical engineering and scien tific research in domestic and abroad . It plays an important role in modern management, the economy check, and energy economiz ation .T he s tandard pattern of flow meter includes measurement and accumulation, which can measure the accumulated flow rate. Moreover, it can equip warm pensation integrating instrument and various kinds of interfaces according to demands in order to fulfill different needs. 3 工作原理 JLQ 系列罗茨气体流量计, 主要由壳体、共轭转子和计数装置等部件构成。装于计量室内的一对共轭转子在流通气体的出入口压差(P 入>P 出) 作用下,两转子交替承受转动力矩。转子每转动一周,则输出四倍计量室有效容积的气体,转子的转数通过磁性密封联轴装置及减速机构, 传递到积算指示计数器, 从而显示输出气体的累计体积量。其计量过程和工作原理如图 l 所示( 图中仅表示了四分之一周期), 流量计示值误差的调整工作,出厂前已完成,并达到了规定的要求,用户不必再

燃气流量计JLQD-80150说明书 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数19
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  • 上传人yuzonghong1
  • 文件大小0 KB
  • 时间2016-07-10