Measurement and Analysis of ic Radiation of 110KV High-voltage Lines in one Urban Location in Chongqing . China
QIN Qi-zhong, CHEN Yu, FU Ting-ting, DING Li, LI Jian-chao, HAN Ling-li. Department of Labor Sanitation and Environment Chongqing Medical University Chongqing, China E-mail:lucychenyu2000@
Abstract—Objective To understand ic radiation according to the meta-analysis studies conducted by Ana M. field strength and its influencing factors of certain 110KV Garcıa et al [6];J. Schüz et al., summarized that the extremely high-voltage lines in one urban area of Chongqing by low-frequency ic field is associated with the measuring110KV high-voltage line’s ic radiation [7] level. Methods According to the methodology as determined by childhood leukemia . In 2001, The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified extremely low the National Hygienic Standards, we selected certain adjacent [8] residential buildings, high-voltage lines along a specific street and frequency ic fields as a suspected carcinogen , selected different distances around its vertical projection point as and said, "… can not negate the relationship with the children monitoring points. The levels of ic radiations were leukemia". This aroused public’s aware of the ic measured respectively. Results In this investigation within the radiation gener