考虑初始损伤和蠕变损伤的岩石蠕变全过程本构模型.docVol 37 Supp 1 Jun 2016 Vol 37 Supp 1 Jun 2016 第37卷增刊1 2016年6月 岩 土 力 学 Rock and Soil Mechanics Vol 37 Supp 1 Jun 2016 Vol 37 Supp 1 Jun 2016 Vol 37 Supp 1 Jun 2016 Vol 37 Supp 1 Jun 2016 DOI: 10 16285。n?m 2016 考虑初始损伤和蠕变损伤的岩石蠕变 全过程本构模型 王其虎门,叶义成刘艳章姚 囹1・2 '(: •程学院,湖北武汉430081) 摘要:考虑到天然岩石存在不同程度初始损伤以及嫦变过程中岩石受载肩裂隙扩展而导致的新损伤,对八冇初始损伤的廿 石端变特性进行全啲描述。根据不闭合结构山I应力与法向变形Z何的关系,提出裂隙岩右型性变形体尤件,描述岩右蠕变过 •・建立具有初始损伤的岩石损伤变量演化方程,构建模拟岩石加速嫦变的域变 ,形成 能够反映JMj•初始损伤的岩石瞬时弹■刻性变形、 能解析模申•参数的方法,在不同应力水平下模吃理论曲线与蠕变试验曲线吻合。 关键词:岩石蠕变:初始损伤;瞬时塑性变形:蠕变损伤:加速嶋变:本构模型 中图分类号,TU452 文献识别码:A 文章編号:1000-759S(2016) ift 1-0057-06 A creep constitutive model of rock considering initial damage and creep damage WANGQi-hu1*2, YE Yi-cheiig1*2, LIU Yang-zliang1,2, YAO Nan1,2 (1 Hubei Provincial Engineenng Technology Research Center of High Efficient Clean Uihzation Shale Vanadium Resource, Wuhan, Hvbei 4300S1, China, 2. School ofRe sources and Emuoiutwntal Eiigweeiing , Wuhan Unn^eisity of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei 4300S1, China) Abstract: Natural rock contained a large number of micro cracks generated and accumulated in the long-tenn geological activity In early loading stages or under a low stress level, rock would expenence a firacture compression phase, in which rock showed out nonlineai- instantaneous plastic deformation Without considenng rock instantaneous plastic deformation by fracture compression, tlie normal rock creep model reflected lower instantaneous deformation value than the real Tlierefbre, it is necessary to consider effect of initial damage on rock creep in process of constructing rock creep constitutive model Considering different degrees of initial damage existing in the natural rock and new damage caused by crack extension under loading in the process of rock creep, the creep properties of rock with init