1 安康二级公路设计说明书摘要: 本设计为安康二级公路, 设计区段位于山岭重丘区, 设计年限为 15年, 是连接安康与周边省市中的一段, 本公路的修建对安康旅游、经济发展具有重要意义。本设计公路起点为 k0+000 , 终点为 K0+ ,以《公路工程设计标准》、《公路路线设计规范》以及《公路排水设计规范》等相关规范,将本道路施工设计分为两个阶段:、实际调查、分析,准确概括出公路设计需要的地理、区划、气候、水文等相关资料。,从公路设计任务、公路性质、服务水平出发,对公路的平面、纵断面、横断面、路基路面、排水等方面详细设计使其不仅满足规范的要求,而且能够达到较高的服务水平,保护环境,减少投资。关键词: 平面;纵断面;路基;排水;路面 2 The design manual of the An'Kang secondary roads Abstract : The design for An’ Kang s econdary roads is located in the mountain re-Hill District, the design life span of 15 years, is connected with An’ Kang and neighboring provinces or cities in the whole section of the road , The construction of the road to An’ Kang tourism, economic development is important . The " Technical Standard of Highway Engineering " "Design Specifications For Highway" and " Specifications of Drainage Design For Highway " and other relevant norms of the design of this road construction is divided into two phases: 1. The collection of information, investigation, analysis, and accurately summed up the need for the highway design of the geography, zoning, climate, hydrology and other relevant information. 2. The basis of relevant information, from highway design tasks, the nature of roads, service level, ichnography, vertical section, cross-sectional, roadbed, drainage and other aspects of the detailed design to not only meet the requirements of norms and to achieve higher the level of service, environmental protection, reducing investment. Keyword: Horizontal Alignment ; Ichnography ; Vertical Section; Subgrade ; Drainage ; R oad surface 3 第一章公路基本概况一、该公路设计的意义安康市位于中国中部、陕西省东南部。本市南依大巴山北坡,北靠秦岭主脊,东西宽约 200 公里,南北长约 240 公里。汉江由西向东横贯中部,河谷盆地居中。构成“两山夹一川”的自然地貌。安康地缘和区位优势独特,位处川、陕、鄂、渝四省市的结合部,即东与湖北省的竹山、竹溪、郧县、郧西连接,南与重庆万州区的城口、巫溪及达川地区的万源县接壤,北与西安市周至、户县、长安和商洛地区的柞水、镇安县毗连, 西与汉中市的佛坪、洋县、西乡为邻,处于西安、武汉、重庆三大经济区的几何中心, 故方志称安康为“东接襄沔、西达梁洋、南通巴蜀、北控商虢”之地。在此修建公路, 可以促进当地旅游业的发展,同时能给当地居民提供便捷的交通运输环境,有利于地方经济的快速发展。二、工程概况 1 .地理环境本新建公路是联接安康与周边省市中的一段,设计路段属于安康地区管辖,安康古称金州,地处陕西省南端,南依大巴山北坡,北靠秦岭主脊,周边与四川、
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