匹多莫德治疗中重度支气管扩张症临床疗效的观察.doc匹多莫德治疗中重度支气管扩张症临床疗效的观察 陈坤周宝银 张爱观 刘吕敏 何卉 平湖市中医院 浙江 平湖314200 【摘要】目的探讨匹多莫德辅助治疗中重度支气管扩张症的临床疗效。方法 选择2006年1月至2011年1月门诊及住院的中重度支气管扩张患者共67例,随机 分为对照组和治疗组,两组均给予常规的抗感染,化痰,止血和对症治疗。治 疗组在对照组的基础上口服匹多莫德片,前2周每次800mg每日2次,之后改为 每次800mg每天1次,共服3月。观察随访1年前后呼吸道再发感染率(%),平均 住院日数(天),SaO2(%)、Pa。2 (mmHg)、肺功能FVC、FEVi变化。结果 治 疗组呼吸道再发感染率(%),平均住院日数(天)与对照组比较,差异具有统计 学意义(P<)o治疗后治疗组PaO (mmHg). SaO2 (%)、FVC、FEVi与治疗 前相比明显改善(P<),与对照组比较差异具有统计学意义(P< ) o 结论匹多莫德在治疗中重度支气管扩张方面不仅仅急性发作期治疗效果显 著,而且能够减少急性发作期次数,从而延缓患者肺功能的减退,使患者生存 时间及生存质量均有提高,值得临床推广应用。 【关键词】支气管扩张症匹多莫德肺功能血气分析 Observation of clinical effect about Pidotimod treatment of moderate-severe bronchiectasis Chen Kun Zhou Baoyin Zhang Aiguan Liu Lvmin He Hui Pinghu Hospital of TCM Zhejiang Pinghu 314200 [Abstract] Objective To investigate the adjuvant treatment of Pidotimod moderate- severe bronchiectasis clinical efficacy. Methods From January 2006 to January 2011 in the outpatient and inpatient total of 67 patients with moderate-severe bronchiectasis patients were randomly divided into control and treatment groups, two groups were givenconventional anti-infective, phlegm, stop bleeding, and symptomatic group were based on oral pidotimod film, the first 2 weeks 800mg 2 times a day each, followed by 800mg once a day to each, tota 1 for 3 months. After 1 year follow-up observation of recurrent respiratory tract infection (%), the average l