2 2 2 黔南民族师范学院学报 2008年第 3期 换热器对平板型太阳热水系统热性能的影响分析 黄金保 1 ,浦绍选 2 ,高文峰 2 (1. 黔南民族师范学院物理系,贵州都匀 558000; 2. 云南师范大学太阳能研究所,云南昆明 650092) 摘要:分析了换热器对集热器效率的影响,确定了换热器对集热器的削弱因子;提出了二次换热平板型太阳热水 系统的能量方程。对自然循环二次换热平板型太阳热水系统系统的热性能进行了测试与分析,测试表明,自然循环二次 换热平板型太阳热水器的平均日效率低于普通平板型太阳热水器,但高于真空管太阳热水器。 关键词:换热器;太阳热水系统;削弱因子;热性能 中图分类号: TK51 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1674 - 2389 (2008) 03 - 0013 - 04 Ana lysis on the Effect of Hea t Exchangers on Therma l Performance of the Fla t Pla te Solar W a ter Hea ters HUANG J in - bao1 , PU Shao - xuan2 , GAO W en - feng2 (1. Dep t. of Physics Electronic Science, Q iannan Normal College for Nationalities, Duyun 558000 China; 2. Solar Energy Research Institute, Yunnan Normal University, Kunm ing 650092, China) Abstract: The effect on the collector efficiency of using a heat exchanger is analyzed and a“heat exchanger penal factor”is determ ined ; ener gy equations in flat p late solar water heaters with heat exchanges are given. Outdoor tests and analysis of thermal performance of the thermosyphon flat p late solarwater heaterswith mantle heat exchanges have been taken, and the experiment results show that average daily efficiency of thermosy phon flat p late solar water heaters with mantle heat exchanges is lower than that of thermosyphon flat p late solar water heaters without heat exchan ges, but higher than that of all - glass evacuated tubula