乳品加工业竞争力评价指标体系初探.doc| 维普资讯 h ttp://
20t 4):102^L05
Augr 200S
JoumaJ of 日训卯疝an. August Final [ad . Herb»iiatijn Uniyenity
交章端号;1002-2090( 2008 )04-0102-04
摘 鑒:伴随苕经济、科技的发展•乳品加工业竟争力问題成为|分車要的课题。首先探讨了乳品加丄业克争力的涵罠*然后探 讨了乳品加工业竞争为评价抬标体聚的原则和基牟思想和框架,最后构建了乳品加工业竟争力评价指标休系、并对具体的楷 标进行了解释a
中图分类号T224 文就标识码:A
Research on the Evaluation Index System of
Competitiveness in Dairy Industry
Zh^o Peng1 TYin Fengchun1
(Heilongjiaiig August Firsl Land Rechflurtton University, Daqing 163319)
Attract: FbNowirig with the economy and technique devciuping., the competitiveness in d^iry indiuslify becomes nuore importAiiit. The definition of the compelitivip!ne&6 in dairj- industA'商 diwusscd firstly- rlThen the |jrincipllest the basic philosophy tmd ihs frame of evaluation irirdex system of the competitivenesH in dairy1 industry are gi%ren. Finally lhe evalualitsn index system of tlie competitiveness in dairy industry is established^, and the explanation to the ccincreie target 治 given
Key words: dairy indu^rry^ competi rivsneas; evaluation imlex sysltm
的发展注人了生机和活力,握供了前所未有的机遇' 各国乳品加工技术不断改进,乳和乳制品的生产稳 步增长,乳和乳制品的消费稳中有升,生产能力的提 升和消费市场的扩大使乳品加工业的快速发展及其 竞争力的提髙成为十分重要的课题0乳品加工业是 高效益和高关联性的产业,乳业不仅事关-个国
乳品加工业竞争力评价指标体系初探 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.