毕业论文题目纤维艺术与室内装饰姓名学号 0930306202 专业名称室内设计指导老师纤维艺术与室内装饰摘要: 纤维艺术是一门古老而又年轻的编织工艺, 在继承传统的基础上对材料和工艺手法的创新, 现代纤维艺术已走向多元表达和抽象表达. 现代纤维艺术的魅力, 是通过多种表现形式来体现的纤维艺术通过对现代室内空间的介入和二度创造, 传递出不同于任何一种艺术形式。纤维艺术是美得化身, 是人们生活的缩影, 在不同材质, 各种色彩的交互运用中, 装点着人们的生活。纤维艺术作品已经不断渗透到室内环境设计中来, 进入到现代人的家居装饰中, 与其他的室内装饰材料组合、呼应、点缀室内空间, 正因为如此, 纤维艺术已经成为人们青睐的、不可或缺的、生活中重要的一部分. 在艺术品展览中、建筑群中、室内装饰中、普通生活服饰中, 我们都可以看到纤维艺术的影子。而纤维艺术的实用功能不仅能使它成为公共场所的地面装饰、墙壁装饰、各种室内厅堂装饰的合适选择, 还能为我们的灵魂提供真正具有想象力的装饰艺术作品, 而且在其中融入美妙的形式感。关键词: 纤维艺术;纤维艺术品;室内坏境;色彩; Abstract: the fiber art is an ancient and young braiding process, on the basis of inheriting the tradition of the materials and the process of technique innovation, modern fiber art has pluralistic expression and abstract expression. Modern fiber art charm, is the fiber art through various forms to reflect the modern indoor space involvement and two creation, convey different from any form of art. Fiber art is beautiful incarnation, isa microcosm of life of people, in different materials, the interaction of various colors, decorated with people's lives. Fiber art works have been infiltrated into the indoor environment design, into the modern people's home furnishing decoration, and other interior decoration bination, echo, decorative indoor space, because of this, fiber art has e a favored by people, living in an important part in the exhibition, works of art. In the building, the interior decoration, th
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