找矿技术 Prospecting technology 四川省会理县小山山铜矿地质特征与找矿标志浅析 邹建高 (四川省核工业地质局二八一大队,四川鞑) 摘 要 :会理县小山山铜矿位于扬子地台西南缘之康滇地轴中南段东侧泸定—米易台拱之米易穹断束河口背斜北东翼。 该矿床为沉积变质型矿床,主矿体均产于中元古界落雪组第一、二段的白云石大理岩中,顺层产出,具有层控特征,且 受层间滑动带控制,显示该矿床受构造和岩性双重控矿的特征。本文从矿床地质特征及找矿标志方面展开分析,为本地 区寻找同类型矿床提供借鉴。 关键词 :铜矿 ;康滇地轴;地质特征;找矿标志 中图分类号 : 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1002-5065()05-0071-2 Geological characteristics and prospecting criteria of xiaoshanshan copper mine, Huili County, Sichuan Province ZOU Jian-gao ucleadustry Georvey 281 Briga Inanvin,Xicha Abstract: Xiaoanan copper min Huili Coun theorthg of the mou Anef the dome faulbundle of Luding of the Kang Dian margin of e ngtze plaorm. The desiisf sen merphic . The main boesced in do marble of and second of Luoxue in is controlled by interlayer slip zone. It shows that lithology. paper, geological and prospecting criteria of the deposit are analyzed to provide reference for the exploration of the same type of deposit in this area.