公司条例(第三十二章) PANIES ORDINANCE(CHAPTER32) 私人股份有限公司 pany Limited by Shares 新西兰木业有限公司 NEW ZEALAND WOOD INDUSTRIALCO.,LIMITED 组织章程细则 ARITCLES OF ASSOCIATION 序首 Preliminary 1. 公司条例( 第三十二章) 的第一附表“A”表( 下称“A”表) 所列出的规则适用于本公司保存,以便公司能明确地删除或修改条例。若表 A 所列规定与本章程细则互相冲突,则以本章程细则的规定为准。 regulations contained in Table “A” in the first schedule to panies ordinance(chapter32) shall apply to pany save in so far as they are hereby expressly excluded or case of fonflict between the provisions of Table ”A” and these presents, the provisions herein contained shall prevail. 2. 本公司为私人公司,据此;—(a) 转让股份的权利仍以下文所订明的方式受限制(b) 公司的成员人数( 不包括受雇于公司的人, 亦不包括先前受雇于公司而在受雇期间及在终止受雇之后一直作为公司成员的人)以 50 名为限,但是当两人或两人以上联名持有公司的一份或多份股份时,就本款而言,该等人士应视作一名成员。(c )任何邀请公众人士认购公司的任何股份或债权证的行为均受禁止。 2. pany isa pany and accordingly:- (a) the right to transfer shares is restricted in manner hereinafter prescribed; (b) the number of members of pany(exclusive of persons who are in the employment of pany and of persons who having been formerly in the employment of pany were while in such employment and have continued after the determination of such employment to be members of pany)is limited to that where two or more persons hold one or more shares in pany jointly they shall for the purpose of this regulation be treated asa single member; (c)any invitation to the public to subscribe ofr any shares or debentures of pany
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