2 扬州火学硕士研究生论文 Abstract Taihu Lake isthethirdbiggest行esh 1akeincllina,计lich su髓咖g舶m alotof probIems,such aS water shortage,serious water pollution,aquatic animals andplants deterioration ofecological environment of ecosystem on ecosystem serVicesvalueoflakesist11ebeStme廿10d on m2Lstering ,it’s rlecessary to eValuateecosystem seⅣices valueofTaihuLake. Byusing methods ofeconomics prehensiVely,this papereval删es ecosystem seⅣices Value ofT甄hu main contents iIlclude:(1)IIldicator system isdeVeIoped foreValuating ecosystem services of lake,according tothe fomation ofecosystem sen,icesoflal(e,ecosystem services oflake are divided int0 pr0Visiomng seⅣices,regulating services,cultural seⅣices and supporting services. ProVisioning sen,ices include aquatic productS, water supply’ shipping,and hydroelec研c services include nood prevention,water purification and services include recreation,ecotourism andcultureand serVices i11cludesoilconserVation,and proVisioning ofhabit.(2) Study me aSsessment metllods ofecosystem C·Dproduction 劬ction of、Vatersupply isdeVeIoped which takescapitaI,iabor forces,and total、vater conS啪ption aSindependent V撕ables,锄d takesGDP aSdependent on Ⅱlemodel,the totalValue ofwater suppIy oflakeecosystem iseValuated.(3)Ta“ng Taihu LaI(e aS aIlex锄ple,mis p印er a11alyses ecosystem seⅣices,a11d ch00ses 叩propriate methods toeValuate ecosystem services ofTaihu Lm【e are eValuated in 983,l993,and 2003 aresult,the totalvalueofecosystem services ofTlaihuLm(e ×104 millionyuaJl(RMB)in 1983,×104 million)啪n(RMB)in 1993,and ×104 million yuall(RMB)iIl i11creaLseofecosystem services Valueisdue totheincreaSe ofwater supply t0indust】哆. (4)The paper makes a sensibiIityanaJysisto缸tor which innuences t量1eValue of ecosys
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