1 2010 年跨文化交际教案教学时间:第 1周教学内容: Unit 1: Introduction to Cross-munication, Essential Elements munication 教学重点: What munication? 教学难点: What are essential elements munication? 教案笔记: 1. Discovering Characteristics munication is the medium for instruction, assessment, interpersonal relationships, group interactions, parent munity relations and counseling. Most behavior problems in schools, and their resolutions, involve some type munication. In sum, communication permeates education. Theoretically, the model munication is always described in the following way: MESSAGE Source of message ? encoder ? code ? channel/medium ? decoder ? retriever 2. Communication is culture bound. The way an municates emanates from his or her culture. Of course, a person may know more than one culture or may petent bination of cultures. heless, one basic truth prevails: communication isa product of culture. 3. Discovering Characteristics of Other Cultures As you begin to discover the characteristics of other cultures, remember that cultures vary internally and are changeable. There are usually many cultural differences within a single race or nationality. 4. Culture, Communication and Language The concept petence, based on one's knowledge of the rules of language structure and language use within a given culture, will be useful. A major responsibility of teachers at all grade levels is to teach the language munication skills needed for academic ess, and for career and social mobility. The study of sociolinguistics can help us understand different systems asa means of improving the quality ofour instruction in language and munication arts. 5. Cultural Differences in Discourse Discourse rules govern such aspects munication as: 1. Opening or closing conversations; 2. Taking turns during conversations; 3. Interrupting; 4. Using silence municative device; 5. Knowing appropriate topics of conversation; 6. Interjecting humor at appropriate times; 2 7. Using nonverbal behavior; 8. Expressing laughter mu
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