An English-Chinese Glossary of Financial Te rms 财经中英词汇表-2- FORE W ORD Ina con t inu ous ef fort to provide all finance staff with practic al and us eful tools rela ting to financial management, and to improve t he English proficiency of allstaf f, Operations Support Dep artment is pleased to present the First Edition of An English-Chinese Glossary of Financial T erms . In the last f ew months, we have b enchmarked large amount of reference materials and pre p ared the g loss a ry with words st arting fr om A-N. This ed ition con t ains over 1,500 fina n cial terms, a nd we will continue tou pdate it reg ularly until finishing allof them. For your easy searchi n g, we provide a simple way: Y ou may key in the Chinese words using “ Find ” funct i on of the Edit menu in Windows, the system will a utomatically match it and look for the English words. It can work the other way rou n d. We are gra t eful to your support ofo urwo rk. If you have any questions men ts when using this glossar y, please co nt act Angela Y an T ingting of Notes ID 46408. Process Management Of fice Finan c ial Operation Support De pa rtment 2005-09-19 -3- 序言为了提升财经管理部员工的英文水平,运作支持部一直致力于为大家提供翔实而有用的参考资料, 为此, 我们欣然推出《财经中英词汇表》(第一版)。在过去的几个月里,我们借鉴了大量的材料, 编写了以 A-N 为首字母的词汇。这个版本目前包含了超过 1,500 个财经词汇,我们将定期更新和补充以完善所有词汇。为了供您查阅方便,我们提供一种简单的方法。您可以在窗口编辑栏中的“查找”项里输入中文词汇,系统会自动匹配相对应的英文翻译。反之亦然。感谢您对我们工作的支持,如果您对该词汇表的使用还有疑问或意见, 欢迎联系颜婷婷( Notes ID: 46408 )。财经运作支持部流程管理办公室 2005-09-19 -4- ○ A abnormal item 非正常项目 ab ovepar超面值 a brog a tion 废除 absol u te acc e ptance 无条件承兑 absol u tevalue绝对价值 a bus ive c onduct 舞弊行为 ac c ele r ated de preciation 加速折旧 ac c eptance 承兑 ac c eptance line承兑限额 ac c eptance of an offer 要约的接纳 ac c eptor 承兑人 ac cess进入 ac cess chann el接触渠道 ac cess control 接触控制 ac cess time 接触时间 ac cess to ac c ounts 可查阅账目 ac cess to ma r ket 市场准入 acc ount 账 acc ount ina rr ea rs拖欠账户 acc ount ma nag er客户经理 acc ount nu mber账户号码 acc ount open i ng c ontr ol开户控制 acc ount open i ng doc um e nta tion 开户文件 acc ount p ay a ble 应付账款
财经中英文汉英英汉对照词汇对照 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.