华中科技大学硕士学位论文 nrough adecade ofref0珊and dcvelopment,Chinese development financiⅡghs currently evolved from the policy-based finandng to the institIItionalbuilding one, immdudng the concept of market restriction 蛆d cap“al cost, fully propelliⅡg ma衄gement tlleory锄d mechanism ofmodem b卸k. At the policy_based fin卸cing stage,such measures as subsidy isused t0make up forttlemarket failure sO asto achieve thegovemmental attheiIlstitutioⅡalbuilding stage,thedeVel叩ment financing inv01ves itselfin theecon咖1icoperation on tIlebasis Ofthe statecredit,柚d facilitates themarket趾d iIlstitutionconstmction sO as toreach thcgoVemment goal Via thedcvelopment finandng eVOlution jnChiⅡa,some e Chinese developmeⅡt fin锄cing evolVes has been an imponant question fordiscussion with aprofound rea重isticsi印ificance. hlthisdissertation,rclying on hisown lOng aIld richwo越ng experiences in China Development Ballk,ttIewriter㈣biIles theways ofmeoretical analysis and practical proof to∞mpare alldiIⅣestigate ttledeVelopment history ofalillesc and foreign development finaIlcjng,toanalyze theevolutiVe pattem ofChinese d“elOpment finaⅡcing iⅡdetail锄dgeneralize themajorpmblems thatChinese deVeIopmeⅡt fin柚cing faces. Firstofall,Chinesedevelopmem fin锄c王ng isshon Oflegal suppon,and itsinstitutionaIId itsrunning prjnciple lacktheindependent legislation and legalofientatioⅡ.Se∞ndly,its opefatiVe objedive isofille蓟biljty,and itsrelationship with state and market is uIIderstood ,its management mechaⅡism needs tobe 0ptimized fIlrther, including theintemal control,fmancial maIlagcmem,human resources managcment, extemal assessment andsupervision tothesepmblems,the writer raisesthecountcmeasllres torealizethesustainable development ofChinese developmem is to say,basing on—actice,we neither deviate the practice and oVeremphasize the role ofmarkctizatjon,nor西ve up tllemarketization and 1etalone goVemment planning jnstea
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