型室塞丝堑望堡星篁丝皇塑室 Abstract Ithasbeen generally concerned lately thatthereform intheway ofconducting acriminal trial has been the central part ofjudicial achieve juristicjustice and improve litigationefficiency haslong been one ofthemajor objects inthefieldofcriminal litigation around ,justice and criminal litigationefficiency can never be achieved without ’t balance well,we might put them intheopposition and finally lose both ofthem. Different types ofreform on thesimplification oflitigationprocess have been carried out tosolve problems mentioned China,the same reforms arebeing exploring thebackground,practices and lawmaking ofestablishing diversified simplified criminal litigationprocess inthedeveloped countries,the author found that there are mon features and trends intheprocess ofsimplifying criminal litigation efforts,such as diversified litigation procedure,nloFe flexibleapplication,separation plicated and ordinary suites,improvements oflitigationefficiency andconcefnsabout human rights. Based on studies inChina,especially on such aspects as thebackground ofsimplified ordinary litigationprocess,jurispmdence attributes,application conditions andoperation, achievements,and thechallenges we need confront,the author concludes thatreforms on simplifying ordinary litigationprocess hasalready achieved somepreliminary gainsand still has alongway togo togetgood balance between and author argues thatpaying equal attention tohuman rights andlitigationefficiency isprecondition to avoid losingjustice ofsimplifying also,with this asprecondition could webalancejustice andlitigationefficiency forthefittestintegration point ofthe equityandefficacy,which are themajor two targets oflegal procedure,is an important sector of thecriminal trialmode reform. Keywords:Criminal litigation;Simplified ordinary litigation;Justice;Efficiency 湖南大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论
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