ABSTRACT modi够s锄s digitrecognition system is acomprehensive System fIorme use ofanti—fm【e,crack down on colmterfeit goods and business logistics isdeVeloped according to也e request ofChina State Bureau ofQual毋and Tec圭111icaJSupervision a11dneed of 。ee《er arcMtec乱】resu缸to syste】ns wml a plex servicelogical,and can realize load equalization a11dreduction ofworkload on systema幽inistration }lis articleelaborates on t王leinte簪ation ofthe three customers/pu诅tion tecllllology alld me realization teclⅡlology modit),n啪e打cal code recognition,takingⅡ1e imDlerr蛇Ⅱtation ofthe latler asthecarrier. This aniclelaunches疳om me research , and emphaSizes on也e mree。tier archjtectIlre aswellas也e design aI】d realizationofⅡmodity statusdi蓉t recognition analyzes t11esystem strLlcture and pa仕em of也eso脚are,pares me application developnlent矗jaIne and ullique氯奠ltLlfe ofnle吐1ree—tier architecture,and conducts researches on me system stmcture,洫temaI mechaIlism,realization Steps,aIld thedi所culties ofthe developed platfbnn fortheemerging emerprise4evel three-Ⅱ also elaborates thedevelopment舭Ime,s仃ucture,concretedesi弘as well as 也eessentialteclⅡ10109y and t11eprogr姗ming sl(ill modi够 numerical coderecognitioneys鼢n. In order to guard against me f酣sebar code production a11d guarantee thesecurity of thetransmisSion aswellas也e con是rmation process,we hasstudied mesecur时technology,aIld pmpoSed amaster plan to carry on也eco㈣di哆stanls删吼erical code recognition. Guard协g against t11efalsechamcteristic inview 0f tllen啪eral,tllis 耐icle has proposed me use of theenc帅tionalgori恤to produce nuInbers which areguaranteed not ,it is realized to haVe only one m盯king foreach product and merefore largely facilitate inme database depositS a11dwimdraw. This aIticleelaborates how we use me digitalenVelopetechnolo副 toguarantee tllesecurity ofthedata饥InSmission between tllee螂rise and thecentralplatfo咖, and explaillS tllede