基本性状组分含氟有机化合物外观乳白色液体 PH值酸性离子性弱阳离子比重(at20 ℃) 溶解性易溶于水[Property] pound contains fluorine Appearance Milky liquid PH-value Acidity Ionicity L ight cation Density at 20 ℃ Solubility Easily soluble in water. 特征优点 1、适用范围广广泛适用于天然纤维、化学纤维和混纺织物 2 、自交链型拒水拒油剂在高温下处理时可产生拒水拒油薄膜,耐洗效果好,不影响织物手感 3、良好的加工相溶性可与防紫外、阻燃、抗菌整理等同浴整理 4 、对织物各项指标无影响对织物的白度、色光、强力、手感和吸湿透气性无不良影响 5 、对消费者安全卫生无毒安全,对皮肤无刺激性。无需使用含有甲醛的架桥剂,符合生态纺织品的要求[Features and advantages] Features Advantages W ide application range Suitable for natural 、 chemical fiber and mixture fabric R eactive finishing agent Born membrane at high temperature. Resistant to wash. No influence on hand. patibility Finish with anti-ultraviolet rays 、 flame retardant 、 anti-bacteria. No influence on the quality of fiber No influence on whiteness, luster, strength, hand, absorption and porous-property. Safe Non-toxic and non-stimulation to skin The agent HS1100 can use padding usually. The dosage and usage depend on the kind 、 density 、 weight of the fabric. 1. Cotton Technical recipe: 15~50 g/l Technical process: Padding (pick-up: 60~70 %)D rying (100 ℃× 2~3min) C uring (170 ℃× 1min) 2. Polyester Technical recipe: 10~30 g/l Technical process: Padding (pick-up