word word 1 / 27 word 本科毕业论文 题目: 基于层次分析法的京东企业员工绩效评价研究 学院: 管理学院 专业: 工商管理 学号: 201205168044 学生thesis writing background, significance brief analysis; secondly, performance appraisal theory and performance evaluation methods specifically described analysis, to provide a theoretical basis for writing papers ;Thereafter, the original performance appraisal program Jingdong enterprises to conduct a prehensive investigation and analysis, to the pany's employees as the main survey, satisfaction with employee performance appraisal program of questionnaires, were analyzed by the survey results summarizes the main issues of the original Jingdong enterprise performance appraisal program currently exists;Finally, according to the Performance Evaluation program Jingdong problems in the development of new performance appraisal program, and for the effects of a new performance appraisal program of investigation and analysis. This paper hopes to better writing staff from the psychological, to develop a reasonable performance appraisal program, so as to better mobilize the enthusiasm of staff, promote staff enthusiasm, to better promote the development of enterprises. word word II / 27 word Keywords:Performance evaluation; Assessment methods; Analytic Hierarchy Process 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 1绪论1 研究背景及意义1 研究方法1 2绩效考核的理论2 绩效考核的内涵2 绩效考核的方法2 层次分析法3 3 京东企业绩效评估现有方案的满意度调查5 绩效考核现有评估方案介绍5 员工对于现有的绩效考核评估方案满意度调查6 调查方法介绍6 调查结果统计6 满意度结果判定7 绩效考核中存在的问题分析9 绩效工资低,结构不健全9 绩效考核的方式单一9 10 绩效考核的评价标准缺失11 缺乏绩效考核方案的反馈与改进11 4基于层次分析设计京东公司员工绩效评估方案12 绩效考核评价指标体系的构建12 12 评价指标体系的确立12 绩效考核指标权重的设置12 层次结构的建立12 word word III / 27 word 判断矩阵的构造13 层次单排序及其一致性检验14 层次总排序及其一致性检验15 确定绩效考核的评分标准15 绩效考核方案的反馈与改进16 5结论17 参考文献18 致 谢20 附件一:调查问卷内容21 word word IV / 27 word 1绪论 研究背景及意义 人力资源管理的绩效考核制度在企业提高竞争力、建立核心竞争优势方面将扮演更为重要的角色,有