分类号:密级:UDC:编号:2013-050403-11江西科技师范大学硕士学位论文江西鄱阳传统漆艺文化现状研究Research status of traditional lacquer art culture in Jiangxi Poyang林晓珊指导教师姓名、职称寇焱教授申请学位级别硕士学科专业名称美术学论文提交日期2013/4/14 论文答辩日期2013/6/7学位授予单位江西科技师范大学答辩委员会主席:评阅人:2013年6月7日摘要I摘要鄱阳脱胎漆器历史久远,始于汉代,明清以后,享誉江南。它既有景泰蓝的高贵,又有陶瓷的洁雅,胎体轻巧玲珑、色泽光亮如镜、古朴庄重,具有鲜明的民族风格和浓厚地方特色的手工艺品,它与北京景泰蓝、江西景德镇瓷器合称中国工艺品三宝。随着近年来,国家文化部对非物质文化遗产保护政策不断完善,对传统手工艺的重视程度不断提升,鄱阳漆艺的美正重新被世人所发掘、认可。经国务院批准,《鄱阳脱胎漆器髹饰技艺》已于2011年10月正式纳入“第三批国家级非物质文化遗产名录”。这一重大历史性的突破,使得原本低靡的鄱阳漆艺文化产业又重燃希望。文章分几个部分展开论述,首先,对江西省古代漆艺的历史、主要的漆器产地、鄱阳漆器的特征作全面的概述。其次,重点论述鄱阳漆艺文化的产业现状,并分析阻碍其发展的困境和促进其壮大的机遇,为下文提出传承与创新途径的探索性策略作铺垫。最后,根据以上的探索和研究,总结鄱阳漆艺文化在现代环境中的发展趋势和对中国漆艺发展的展望。本文主要研究目的是通过对鄱阳传统漆艺文化发展脉络的梳理和其艺术特征的分析,以及当地漆艺文化产业现状的调研,结合传统漆艺在当代社会所遇到的困境和机遇,力求探索传承与创新的现实途径。关键词:鄱阳;漆艺文化;现状研究;困境与机遇;传承与创新AbstractIIABSTRACTPoyang bodiless lacquer ware has a quite long history, which can be dated back to the Han Dynasty. After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it earned the great reputation in the Jiangnan region. It not only has nobleness character like cloisonne, but also elegant like ceramics. With exquisite and light body, as bright as a mirror, simple and solemn, it has a distinctive national style and strong local characteristics. Together with Beijing Cloisonne and Jingdezhen Porcelain, they are known as three treasures Chinese handicraft articles. In recent years, the Ministry of Culture has continued to improve the protection policies of intangible cultural heritage, and growing attention has been given tothe traditional handicrafts. The beauty of Poyang lacquer is again explored and recognized by the whole world. Having approved by the State Council, “Poyang bodiless lacquer decoration”has been officially added into the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage in October 2011. This major historic breakthrough gives renewed hope to the Poyang lacquer cultural paper is divided into several sections to carry out the discussion. Firstly, it
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