艾尔顿_约翰:“TeacherINeedYou”.docx艾尔顿·约翰:“TeacherINeedYou” 艾尔顿 ·约翰,1947 年 3 月 25 日出生于英国伦敦市郊, 英国 著名流行音乐创作歌手, 享誉盛名的顶级音乐艺术家。 自幼学习 钢琴课程 something in you to drive a schoolboy wild 你身上有某样神秘的东西 ,让一个中学男孩痴迷 You give me education in the lovesick blues 你教了我相思蓝调 Help me get straight come out and say 借它 ,我才能直抒胸臆 ,大声喊出 Teacher I teacher I teacher I 老师 ,我 老师 ,我 老师 ,我 Teacher I need you 老师 ,我需要你 I have to write a letter 我必须要写一封信 Tell about my feelings 倾诉我内心的感情 Just to let her know the scene 只是为了让她知道 ,我心中的憧憬 Focus my attention 我必须要集中精力 On some further education 进一步学习 In connection with the birdies and the bees1) 求爱的本领 So I ’m sitting in the classroom 所以 ,我端坐在教室里 I ’m looking like a zombie 看上去神思恍惚 ,毫无生气 I ’m waiting for the bell to ring 焦急地盼着下课铃响起 I ’ve got John Wayne2) stances 我如约翰 ·韦恩那般刚毅俊朗 I ’ve got Erroll Flynn3) advances 又像埃罗尔 ·弗林一样风流倜傥 And it doesn ’t mean a doggone thing 可对你来说 ,那什么也算不上 I was sitting in the classroom 我端坐在教室里 Trying to look intelligent 努力使自己看起来聪明伶俐 In case the teacher looked at me 因为说不定某一刻 ,老师便会看到我 She was long and she was lean 老师她纤细高挑 ,让人着迷 She’s a middle-aged dream 是众多中年男子理想中的伴侣 And that lady means the whole world to me 而对我来说 ,世上无人可与她相比 It